The story of Pizza Me started with a cooking party in the early 2010s. The joy of making food and eating together gave them the idea to turn a hobby into a business. At first the two owners stood behind the counter, they kneaded the dough, baked the pizzas and served the guests. But their outlet on Király utca (then called La Pizza Di Mamma Sofia) quickly became extremely popular, and new openings followed, and here they are today, the uncrowned kings of sliced pizza in Budapest. The principles of this type of pizzeria are usually speed and affordability, but at Pizza Me there's no compromise on quality either. So, if you need a quick lunch while walking around the city, or you crave something in the evening, you can count on them.
1024 Budapest, Margit körút 91/Széll Kálmán tér
1051 Budapest, Sas utca 10
1052 Budapest, Deák Ferenc tér 3
1056 Budapest, Váci utca 86
1061 Budapest, Király utca 20
1074 Budapest, Dob utca 17
1075 Budapest, Károly körút 25/Deák Ferenc tér
1077 Budapest, Wesselényi utca 35
1082 Budapest, József körút 86/Corvin negyed
1117 Budapest, Móricz Zsigmond körtér 16
...and many other locations around town.