Two organisations with a long history of conservation are now collaborating to help protect birdlife in Budapest’s parks and trees, preserving and increasing stocks. The Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association and Főkert Nonprofit both have more than four decades’ experience in the field.

The Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association have achieved many international successes while growing into the largest body of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. Since its establishment in 1867, Főkert Nonprofit have continuously looked after the most significant green areas of the capital. In line with today's challenges, they intend to open up to ecological solutions by strengthening their conservation approach.

Inspections of trees overseen by Főkert are complemented by zoological surveys to conserve protected species living in them. Larger parks will feature 1,000 bird boxes, improving the nesting chances of urban flocks. A comprehensive study will also be launched to monitor the population dynamics of bird species, and the data obtained will facilitate the creation and long-term maintenance of more climate-resilient green spaces.
