Móricz Zsigmond körtér is a major hub in Újbuda, bookending the gallery- and bar-lined section of main Bartók Béla út. Centrepieced
by the Gomba, a mushroom-shaped terminal built
in 1942 for the HÉV station that operated here, this transport vortex is
characterised by a constant flurry of trams, passengers and pedestrians. Either
side of a statue of Hungarian novelist Zsigmond Móricz are the terminus of main
tram 6, and the sleek contemporary station serving equally new metro line 4, while
other trams snake around the square heading for various points in south Buda.
Eateries tend to cater to customers eating on the hoof, hamburgers at Wikinger, sandwiches and
desserts at 4 Street Coffee.