The story begins in 1983, a year after the Falklands War. The main character, Shaun, is a confused teenager whose father died in the conflict. First joining a group of older skinheads, he is surrounded by uncertainty and confusion, in a world of industry in decline and few prospects of work. Shaun ends up in a racist, nationalist splinter group. Can a young boy be responsible for his actions when all he is looking for is community and friendship? The film asks serious questions, sometimes humorously, sometimes painfully, highlighting whether the adults Shaun chooses to be with show more maturity than the young protagonist himself.
• Cast: Thomas Turgoose, Stephen Graham, Andrew Shim, Vicky McClure, Joe Gilgun, Rosamund Hanson
• Director: Shane Meadows
Screened in English, with Hungarian subtitles. The discussions before and after the screenings are conducted in Hungarian.
