Dressing trams up for the festive season is an annual tradition in Budapest. It usually comes with loads of fairy lights, but this year, there is a new approach. For the first time, the interior is decorated, so if you hop on a tram saying 'Adventi villamos' (Advent Tram) on the front, you will get to sit amongst lovely garlands and baubles while travelling past iconic landmarks.
You will also find an unusual but important element as part of the decoration, a QR code, through which you can support the nursery school for homeless children of Oltalom Egyesület.

The Advent Tram runs every day until Christmas (23 December), between 2pm-5pm on weekdays and between 10am-5pm at weekends. On weekdays, the main line is the riverside 2, and at the weekends you can catch a festive ride on trams 14, 19, 42, 47, 50, 56A, 59, 69 too. Make sure to check the schedule on the website of Budapest transport company BKK (scroll down to 'Operating days and routes').
Standard tickets and passes are valid.