Recently, several developments have been changing the landscape of Kőbánya, a former industrial area in south-east Pest towards the airport. The Eiffel Workshop today serves as an annexe of the Opera House, while an ambitious new Transport Museum is also closer to being realised.

Now, according to the respected Hungarian platform Architects’ Forum: “A new investment is under way at the Monori Center in Kőbánya, also known as Chinatown, in the area bordered by Kőbányai út, Mázsa utca, Bihari utca, Jegenye utca and Monori utca. In the future, a complex is planned that will not only function as a commercial centre, complementing the existing ones, but will also house residential and student accommodation”.
The investment, involving 30 shops, ten restaurants, 182 student rooms and 101 apartments, is being planned by the DVM group, responsible for more than 750 projects across Budapest and beyond.