Behind relandscaped Rákóczi tér, a criss-cross of streets seems barely changed since before the gradual gentrification process here in gritty District VIII. Now local Józsefváros Council is tackling this area, too, planning a green promenade for otherwise grey Déri Miksa utca, with pleasant communal facilities for all.

A shaded garden, a communal chess table, a walk-through shower gate and a drinking fountain are all now earmarked as part of the overhaul of Déri Miksa utca in District VIII.

In 2020, a pedestrian-friendly promenade was created on the section of Déri Miksa utca between Nagy Fuvaros utca and Fecske utca, with communal picnics, workshops and a presentation of this new green initiative.

Józsefváros Council has now gone a step further with more specific details:

Tackling climate change

It was also an important consideration in the design to create a public space that offers long-term solutions to the effects of climate change. Some of the rainwater is discharged into the green areas, increasing the water balance of the soil, which evaporates to cool the city and reduces the need for irrigation. The lighter pavement will heat up less in summer, and there will also be a walk-through shower gate and a drinking fountain on the street to make the heat more bearable”.

In all, 1,360 square metres of new green space will be created, 59 trees bedded and countless new plants. A station for communal MOL Bubi bikes will be installed and after this renovation, it will be possible to cycle in both directions. Work is expected to begin this spring.
