As we reported just before Christmas, a new national registration scheme has been set up for UK citizens officially registered as living in Hungary by 31 December 2020.
This free process is now open to British nationals and their family members. Everyone needs to apply, even if you already have a registration certificate or a permanent residence card.
The scheme runs until 31 December 2021 but in his most recent presentation, Mr Paul Fox, the British Ambassador to Hungary, stresses the need to sign up and spread the word to fellow compatriots.
The Hungarian immigration authority website has details – a small technical issue with the link is currently being ironed out.

For further information on the steps British citizens have to take, check the Living in Hungary Guide of the UK Foreign Office.
In further news, the ban on flights into Hungary from the UK has just been lifted, reversing a decision taken just before Christmas – again, refer to the Living in Hungary Guide for more details.