A new National
Registration Permit will be made available during 2021 to UK citizens and their
family members officially registered in Hungary by 31 December 2020.
In a recent announcement after a ruling by the Hungarian Parliament, the British
ambassador to Hungary, Mr Paul Fox, stressed the need for applicants to be registered
at a specific address here and hold a lakcím kártya. The ambassador also
advised UK citizens be registered with a health authority and hold a TAJ kártya
for health insurance.

Specific details of the new scheme will follow in due course, but applicants need not provide evidence of prior stay in Hungary or of their financial situation. They will have until 31 December 2021 to apply. See the ambassador's recent presentation here.
More information will be provided in English on the Hungarian government website, with registration here. The British Embassy will also be updating its Living in Hungary guide and announcing developments on its Facebook page.
You may also send individual inquiries to the Embassy via this link or in urgent consular cases, call +361 266 2888 where consular experts can assist.