Opened at Bikás Park last summer, Léműhely has earned nothing but praise for its healthy, cheap and package-free approach to serving cold-pressed vegetable and fruit juices. Now two more outlets have been added, allowing Pest locals to take advantage, too.

You’ll always find a queue at Robi Molnár’s Léműhely, maybe even outside it, too.

True, the outlet is only a few square metres in size, accommodating no more than three customers at a time, but that also means that what’s on offer is very good indeed. Squeezed in their own-made machines, cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juices are super fresh and very healthy, and are surprisingly good value for money.

Now that winter is fully with us, people living on Ferenc körút and Ady Endre út down in Kispest will be able to defend themselves. The salubrious Léműhely (‘Juice Workshop’) is now present in two stores there, quick and package-free.

Like its Buda predecessor, the branch on Ferenc körút is a shoebox of a shop but quality and sustainability are still the watchwords – the counter has been built out of apple boxes, for example. Vegetable juices continue to be pressed at Bikás Park at dawn to arrive at the two new stores before they open.

Juices go for 90 to 220 forints per decilitre, depending on whether you choose apple, kiwi, beetroot, carrot or orange, but of course you can order a mixture of any in your glass. This winter, it is recommended that you try the Breuss (220 HUF/dl), named after a cancer researcher in Austria – beetroot, carrot, black radish and celery should really boost your immunity. Bringing your own flask or glass bottle are recommended, but if you don’t have one with you, they can sort you out a returnable one for a little extra fee.


District IX. Ferenc körút 7

District XIX. Ady Endre út 97-99

Each open: Mon-Fri 7am-7pm