Over the next four weekends in July, Budapest's historic central span, Liberty Bridge, once again turns into a car-free community space and the city's hottest hangout for the summer.

For the third year running, Budapest’s picturesque Liberty Bridge is staging a series of summertime jamborees. Spontaneous zumba and yoga classes, salsa, BBQs, acoustic concerts and all kinds of performances take place, so expect bags of fun every weekend throughout July. And admission is free!

It all started in 2016, when the bridge was closed off to traffic due to building works, and it suddenly turned into a popular spot for impromptu gatherings. Thanks to the efforts of urban activists Valyo, keen on reintegrating the Danube into city life, this initiative has since been repeated every year.

As Budapest is sizzling hot at the moment, Valyo will distribute water on the bridge every weekend. To get you in the mood, here are some photos from previous years:
