Dessert bar Édesmindegy is found a short walk from the Danube bank on Pozsonyi út. Reading the list of its delicious but off-the-wall desserts, you wouldn't expect all the familiar, homely flavours you'll get once you've ordered. Everything here smells and tastes as if you've just took them out of the oven at home. First they serve a filling and tasty breakfast – sandwiches with rich toppings, pastries with homemade jam or goose crackling, butter crackers, yoghurt, grill-warmed fruitcake and homemade curd-cheese spread on the side of your coffee. The latter is prepared in harmony with the quality of the Cagliari brand: the milk foam is soft and creamy and you can also order coffee specialities of various flavours. The lavender, violet and macadamia nut cordials will only add a minimum sweetness to your beverage. Édesmindegy ('Sweet Nothing') also offers excellent wine.