There’s that moment in spring when you first step out of your home without a coat, when the brasseries and restaurants finally put out the chairs on the sidewalk and you suddenly feel the lack of vitamins and meat in your body, and all this at the same time. The solution is really a no-brainer: have a vaseful of unfiltered wheat beer – the real liquid bread. Of course, it’s not as easy here as it is in, for instance, Munich – but it’s far from impossible. If you want to drink some wheat beer, have a go at the following places in Budapest.
Csakajósör – Weihenstephan Hefe Dunkel
If you take yourself seriously, you’ll go to Csakajósör in Kertész utca, that’s a setter of standards anyways, and taste one of the best Bavarian wheat beers of the oldest, 1000-year-old brewery: Weihenstephan wheat. There are hardly any other wheat beers that could better the Weihenstephan with its sparkling sweet and citrus-like aromas rich in nutritions, tingly hop and umami and thickness as vegetable soup’s.