The traditional series of Beethoven concerts by the Hungarian National
Philharmonic at Martonvásár starts on Saturday, 2 July, with the Coriolan Overture,
Violin Concerto in D major and Symphony No.2 in D major. The composer visited Brunszvik
Castle and the family of the same name on several occasions in the early 1800s
and these summer concerts have long been popular. The soloist for the concert,
the globetrotting virtuoso and renowned chamber musician Ernő Kállai, studied
at Budapest’s Liszt Academy and at the Juilliard School in New York. Balázs
Kocsár is a prominent member of the middle generation of Hungarian conductors
and the chief music director of the Hungarian State Opera.
Yoga with the Moon
Sunday, 12 January 2025 9.00am