You can already enjoy the car-free Jane Haining Quay on weekends, but soon some features are about to become permanent. The city council promises more walking and green spaces, direct access to the riverside, and fewer cars, making it an even more pleasant spot for city strolls.

If you're planning a summer holiday in Budapest, you can already enjoy panoramic, car-free walks and pop-up events along the Pest embankment on weekends (between Margaret Bridge and Elizabeth Bridge). However, these features are set to become permanent as plans for the development of this section have been finalised. Sixteen professional and civil groups assisted the city administration with the planning process, and some progress is already underway: trees are being planted to make the area greener. 

Citizens were also involved in the decision-making process, with a survey conducted before the planning began. Feedback from weekend and summer events was also considered to ensure the solution meets (almost) everyone's needs. The survey reveals that the majority of the population supports more green, pedestrian-friendly spaces and is for the transformation of the embankment along with the reduction of car traffic.

This development isn't entirely new: the transformation of the northern part of the Antall József embankment has already been completed in two phases. The next step is to establish a double row of trees between the Parliament and the Chain Bridge and to impose a 30 km/h speed limit for cars. Additionally, stabilised pavement will be used on the promenade in both areas to protect the tree roots and ensure proper water infiltration into the soil.

The goal is to make the Jane Haining embankment completely car-free, allowing only service traffic—such as vehicles for boat stations, city maintenance, and catering establishments. This plan is currently under consideration, with a final decision to be made through a civil agreement.

Another interesting feature is the viaduct beneath the tram tracks, which is challenging or impossible for pedestrians to use. However, during summer weekends, the space is transformed into a community and exhibition area, complete with a bar. Similar activities are planned for the future.


The area under the Elizabeth Bridge is set to be transformed into a pedestrian space, with a double staircase replacing the current roadway. This new staircase will not only enhance the area's aesthetic appeal but also restore the embankment's original appearance, which included this staircase before it was removed during the socialist era to accommodate increased car traffic.

Planning has also commenced for the Belgrade embankment, with the goal of expanding pedestrian-friendly zones and green spaces. Designers aim to reduce the area allocated for car traffic to further enhance the area's accessibility and greenery.

(Cover photo: MG Építész Kft. / BKK / Főpolgármesteri Hivatal)
