Two of the most revered characters in Hungarian cartoons and children’s literature, Süsü the dragon and the imaginary figure of Pom Pom, now accompany their creator at his grave. Storyteller István Csukás passed away in 2020 and is buried in the writers’ corner of Farkasréti cemetery.

Creator of more than 50 children’s books, half-a-dozen plays and 20 film scripts, not to mention numerous collections of poems, award-winning writer István Csukás is best known for two figures: Süsü the dragon and the imaginary figure of Pom Pom

Animated 40 years ago, their stories are still known today, used on cereal packets and recently depicted by urban sculptor Mihajlo Kolodko.

The sculptures at Farkasréti were made by Attila Pintér, also responsible for the bronze model of Kisújszállás that stands outside the Town Hall, close to where Csukás was born in 1936. A plaque now marks the house on Szépvölgyi út in Budapest’s District III where Csukás lived and wrote many of his stories.
