Now completely renewed after being in operation for six years, the MOL Bubi shared public bike network has just been kicked into gear once more. In total, 1,200 new lightweight cycles have rolled off the local assembly plant on Csepel island, and have been distributed to 158 pick-up and drop-off points across Budapest. Users need only download the relevant app. For more details, see here.

While Budapest has significantly improved its infrastructure for cyclists, with more lanes and car-free initiatives, the old MOL Bubi network using heavy bikes met with regular complaints.
The new ones are equipped with puncture-resistant tyres, making them easier to ride. The app is also more user-friendly, so pick-up and drop-off only take a few moments.
The fee structure has also been renewed: a monthly pass is only 500 forints, with every first 30 minutes free. With these improvements, it’s hoped that more people will take to two wheels and leave the car at home.