CNN Travel has selected the Gresham Palace among the best hotel bars in the world, based on a new book focusing on glitzy drinkeries and their signature cocktails. New York-based writer Alia Akkam included the KOLLÁZS Brasserie & Bar to sit alongside the Lobby Bar at the ritzy Beldon Grand in St Petersburg and the Chill Bar lapped by the Indian Ocean at the Six Senses Laamu in the Maldives among her 50 favourites.
Although too late to include Múzsa, only recently opened at the Four Seasons Gresham Palace, travel writer Alia Akkam did see fit to showcase in her new book the hotel’s KOLLÁZS Brasserie & Bar and its Smoky Forest cocktail of mescal, blood orange and pine nuts.

Photo: Balkányi László - We Love Budapest
Behind the Bars: 50 Cocktail Recipes from the World’s Most Iconic Hotels is a globe-trotting stagger from drink to drink – you find out where Barry Manilow got the idea from for his hit song Copacabana, and which bar John Wayne met his third wife in. As a plug for the book, CNN Travel has selected ten for its short list World’s Best Hotel Bars – the KOLLÁZS among them.