The coronavirus produced one unexpected effect: more and more residents have taken up cycling in Budapest, either for recreational purposes or to commute into work. This new map created by the Hungarian Cycling Club is a handy guide to all the best cycle routes around Budapest, including areas of east Pest, Margaret Island and even Normafa.

The map was prepared with the help of regional organisations and professional partners, and takes riders past natural and man-made heritage sites. New routes have been added, and many are intertwined. Most can be explored with an average city bike, and even with the family. Many routes go past buildings participating in Budapest 100, an annual cultural initiative which takes the public into some of the city’s most impressive buildings for free. The best are marked on the map.

Novice cyclists can check out the specially-marked routes which represent suppressed car traffic or lap lanes for practice, as well as the Cyclist Club’s online pamphlet of rules, tips and advice (in Hungarian).
It is recommended to zoom in on the map to get a good idea of each specific route, as many overlap and it can be all too easy to begin on one road and accidentally continue onto another. See the full network integrated into Google Maps here.