Vikings rejoice! Axe-throwing has become the latest craze in Budapest, as Balta Dobálás opens its new location on Dohány utca.

The place is huge, an underground labyrinth much larger than its modest exterior would suggest. Upstairs is a bar where Hungarian craft beers are available. Axe-throwing and beer, you say? That doesn’t sound safe! Don’t worry, they’re kept quite separate, and each lane has a protective wall to ensure no one’s axe goes astray.

Bálazs Koltai, the co-founder of Balta Dobálás, says he got the idea after a friend of his visited Canada, where the sport is trendy. “He came back and told us about the popularity of axe-throwing,” says Koltai. “We love interesting businesses, so we thought we’d bring it here.”

After the success of their first venture, opened in 2017, Balta Dobálás moved closer to town. The Dohány utca location was unveiled this September.

Targets are painted onto soft wooden boards that line the walls, pockmarked with the scars of previous matches. “The wood has to be replaced every weekend,” says Koltai, “or sometimes after a particularly intense game”.

Staff members are on hand to teach participants how to throw properly, and how to score points. The price depends on the number of players, but is generally around 2,500-3,500 HUF/person.

A sculpture gallery will also be opening in the basement, featuring statues made from scrap metal. “We’ll be calling it the Amazing Metal Art Gallery,” says Koltai. The pieces are “currently on a boat on their way here,” and the gallery is set to open in November.

Find more information on the Balta Dobálás website and Facebook page.

District VII. Dohány utca 30A

Open: Tue-Thur & Sun noon-8pm, Fri-Sat noon-10pm