A newly shared slow-mo video on Will Smith’s Instagram account has been gaining millions of views on the star’s social-media channel. The film shows Smith being punched in the face, making a Coca-Cola fountain with the fizzy drink bursting out of the bottle and dancing with his loved ones on Széchenyi tér near the Chain Bridge.
Smith shared this video with his millions of followers last night commenting, “PERFECT Father’s Day with the Fam! Jaden missed his flight. But he’ll be here in the morning”. Meanwhile, the actor’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith uploaded a photo on her own Instagram account, showing the parents sitting beside their daughter Willow and Will Smith’s son Trey.
The image also pokes fun at Jaden’s absence, presenting the couple’s son picture mounted in front of the celebrating family. In the same frame, Willow’s friend Tyler Cole also appears.