Plot twist: for the first time, we could enter Cinema City not as moviegoers but as adventurers, taking a look behind the curtains – AKA the control room – into that little window at the back of the theater shining with the bright beam of entertaining light. Although we weren't allowed to touch anything, we still had a great time and encountered many interesting devices, which we now share in this photo gallery.

It was news to us that it's no longer the projectionist who handles the projector – he only uploads the film to it and chooses the best previews to be screened before the movie. Nowdays, projectionists can work from home if they have Internet access, because they work with supercomputers that are equipped with a projector – if they are online, they can just push some buttons on their computers and the magic happens. Fun fact: the aformentioned supercomputers look like the trash cans you can find in old apartment buildings, but with buttons on them. When it comes to IMAX films, it takes two to tango and to project – one for what the left eye sees and one for what the right eye sees. Of course, there is still some old-school equipment, like the huge metal reels. The technological department is like a neverending maze, full of devices that we have no idea what are they good for. Just look at the pictures!