1. Old-town stroll

You shouldn’t leave the city without taking a long look around Sopron’s charming baroque center. Inside Várkerület, cars are forced to obey to pedestrians, thus you can safely stroll around the cozy little streets and squares. Don’t miss out on the religious atmosphere of Orsolya Square, on the diversity of Liszt Ferenc Conference and Cultural Center, on the beautiful baroque interior of St. George’s Church, on the sheer beauty of Új Street and Kolostor Street, on the picturesque sight of the Main Square with the Fire Tower, on the City Hall, and, last, not least, on the sky-scraping tower of Kecske Church.2. Dömötöri Confectionery

Dömötöri Confectionery, situated at Széchenyi Square, offers arguably the best ice cream in the country. After stepping inside, you might get a little confused by the three mile-long counters full of deliriously delicious types of ice cream. Caramel-figs, strawberry-chocolate, and raspberry-red currant quark-cream, just to name a few. Get your cone filled with your favourite flavors, take a seat in Széchenyi Square’s tree-sheltered park and enjoy the sunshine, or listen to the tunes of Petőfi Square’s singing fountain.3. Papa Joe’s Steak HousePapa Joe’s Steak House, a wondrous restaurant for steak-maniacs and hungry cowboys, offers belly-filling meat dishes, a wide variety of whiskys, cold beers, and good times. Although the menu guarantees a sizeable selection of various dishes, a steak of your preferred doneness and meat type is what you should be ordering, accompanied by a whisky or a beer.4. Gyógygödör PubIf you’re longing for authentic Hungarian dishes, and the smoky atmosphere of a cellar-pub doesn’t repulse you, visiting Gyógygödör is a must! Slot machines ka-ching, heavy drinkers binge, and cellar-odor oozes from the walls in the first room, but don’t judge a book by its cover, for if you manage to find a table in this charmingly dilapidated environment, you will have the time of your life! As for food, Gyógygödör offers fish soup served in a giant cooking-pot, tripe and lung with flavors dating back to hundreds of years, and beef-stew in red wine sauce. To top it all off, prices are more than reasonable, so Gyógygödör is definitely a perfect festival-eatery!5. Bike tour to Fertőd and around the lake

When the festival ends, don’t drift with the homeward flock, rent a bike and discover the picturesque landscapes of Fertő-Hanság National Park. Well-bulit bike roads are available all around the lake both on the Hungarian and the Austrian side. On the former side, you can find charming villages such as Hegykő or Fertőrákos, and the magnificently rebuilt city of Fertőd with the largest Hungarian castle, while on the latter side you’ll come across tons of fun and loads of activities in cities such as Mörbisch and Rust.6. Bungalows at FertőrákosIf you’re planning to plunge into Fertő Lake, rent a country-style bungalow by the beach! This westernmost corner of Hungary offers a chilled beach-feeling, a motel, a restaurant, and cozy terraces. Take a seat by the reeds, open a bottle of wine, and soak in the beauty of a fabulous sunset!7. Ráspi WineryRáspi, the most famous winery of the Sopron region, awaits you with a warm welcome. A renewed peasant-house hosts the best restaurant in Western-Hungary, where the seasonal menu contains authentic dishes, prepared from organic, homegrown ingredients. Ráspi’s treasure chest of a cellar offers unmatchable wine tastings, during which you can síp the tastiestKékfrankos wines, and, moreover, some limited edition masterpieces.8. Wine tasting tourAfter enjoying a day at Ráspi, the adventurous wine enthusiast should definitely give Weninger, Pfneiszl and Luka cellars a try as well, we recommend all of them wholeheartedly! If you schedule an appointment in advance, they’ll be waiting for you with arms and doors wide open. In case we haven’t satisfied your curiosity, you can dig up all the information you need regarding the best vineyards and wineries in the Soporn region on our website.9. Balf Thermal BathBalf, the starting point of the bike roads swirling around Fertő Lake, has been attracting visitors for hunders of years with its world-famous supply of thermal water. After the state-of-the-art spa complex had been modernized in 2004, a drinking well, from which you can clinch your thirst with precious thermal water for free, was also built in 2009 in the heart of Balf. If you’re suffering from sore legs, or you’re feeling exhausted from all the reckless partying, dive into the warm, healing waters of Balf’s Thermal Bath!