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február 21 at 3:44 PM CET


3 restaurants serving classic Hungarian dishes from the Austro-Hungarian era

Craving a Hungarian classic with a Monarchy-era vibe? These are the spots to try.

January 8 at 11:19 AM CET


TasteAtlas ranks a Hungarian classic among the world’s 100 best dishes

TasteAtlas has revealed the top 100 dishes worldwide. And guess which Hungarian classic made the list? No, it's not goulash.

June 22, 2024 at 11:39 AM CEST


Check out the best spots to try Hungary's favourite street food: Lángos

Savoury oily, topped with sour cream, cheese, and garlic – lángos is a staple in Hungarian cuisine for a reason. Check out the 6 best spots in town!