To close out Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Budapest’s Hard Rock Cafe hosts a charity-benefiting event tonight as part their annual Pinktober campaign. The aim of the campaign is to raise everyone’s awareness of the importance of early detection and the fight against breast cancer. Half of the charity night’s proceeds will be donated to the Hungarian Cancer Patient’s Organization.

All around the world, Hard Rock locations are turning pink as a part of the 16th Pinktober campaign. Nearly 200 venues around the globe are promoting the importance of fighting against breast cancer, and guests of the restaurants can support it by purchasing pink-colored products, drinks, or staying in selected pink rooms of Hard Rock Hotels. The income from these purchases will be donated to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation and The Caron Keating Foundation, to help their campaigns and research. At Budapest, you can support them by buying a T-shirt.

In addition to helping the international fight against breast cancer, you can also help raise awareness about this crucial cause in Hungary: you can buy wristbands with a “Never Give Up” tag at the Vörösmarty SquareHard Rock shop, and the money from the purchases will be donated to the Hungarian Cancer Patient’s Organization.
The Pinktober charity night will take place tonight at 8pm, and you can buy tickets (10,000 HUF) at Hard Rock Cafe. The price includes a welcome drink and a menu consisting of Hard Rock specialties, but what’s more important is that half of the proceeds will fund the the organization of the Breast Cancer Patient Groups’ Hungarian Meeting, so this is a perfect way to have fun while supporting good causes. During the night, the special BabelRock band,consisting of Budapest expats and workers at Hungary’s USA Embassy, will play funk and rock songs.

In the meantime, #pinktober hashtags started to pop up on Instagram as users from all countries of the world try to raise awareness of the importance of prevention and finding a cure for breast cancer – everybody can join this campaign.