The Jewish Quarter's busiest and rather narrow lane bears the name Kazinczy Street since 1897, and connects Király Street and Rákóczi Street. Here, we find the Art Nouveau-style Kazinczy Street Synagogue and the Museum of Electrical Engineering, and the recent years' ruin-pub craze started off here as well in 2004 with the opening of Szimpla Kert. Since then, the street is home to street food places like El Rapido Taqueira but traditional Jewish cuisine also makes its appearance in a classic restaurant environment, like in Macesz Bistro. There is also a swarm of small taverns, ruin pubs, and clubs along Kazinczy Street: Ellátó Kert, Mika Tivadar Mulató, and of course, Szimpla Kert. Special events and street parties are also common here. These times and on summer nights the street is free of traffic (between Király Street and Rákóczi Street).