Many believe that the days of the Gutenberg Galaxy are numbered due to the emergence and growing popularity of e-book readers and the ubiquity of the Internet. While change is absolutely inevitable, as demonstrated by the shrinking number of secondhand bookstores operating in Budapest, the written word is still revered at a variety of long-standing used bookshops citywide. Here we feature some of the best stores where serious bookworms can drop by for top-quality artifacts ranging from antique tomes to mysterious yellowed maps to historical prints from decades ago.

Photo: Juhász Norbert - We Love Budapest

Photo: Juhász Norbert - We Love Budapest

Photo: Juhász Norbert - We Love Budapest

Photo: Juhász Norbert - We Love Budapest

Photo: Juhász Norbert - We Love Budapest
The four owners have been working together in this building for the past 30 years: first they sold books at neighboring Honterus, and in 1999 moved on to open their own store at the premises next door. The shop trades in everything paper from books, etchings, and maps to posters, which have been a real hit in recent years. Their stock of books only contains selected items, and their online auctions feature special, highly coveted pieces. Owls are banned here as well.
Budapest 1053, Múzeum körút 35

Photo: Juhász Norbert - We Love Budapest

Photo: Juhász Norbert - We Love Budapest

Photo: Juhász Norbert - We Love Budapest