The Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre - KÉK together with LEAP Collective invites contributions to the workshops accompanying the exhibition The Art of Joining: Teamwork. The two-day workshop, held 10-11 December, aims to create a platform for the exchange of knowledge on historical and contemporary collaborative practices in architecture and design. Contributions from groups and individuals are welcome in any form, conceived in line with three themed sections.

Teamwork is an exhibition and a workshop series which builds on research into the work of architect Konrad Wachsmann. Born in Frankfurt/Oder in 1901, Wachsmann was a visionary proponent of technological progress in architecture, a cause he promoted widely until his death in Los Angeles in 1980. After the war, Wachsmann’s scientific and collaborative approach to architecture became the predominant element in his pedagogical and design methods. Between summer schools in Austria, seminars in Japan and lectures in the US, Wachsmann developed innovative models for team-based learning, simultaneously designing new forms of collaboration and architecture.

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