Following Non Solus, the story of two bodies and a soul uniting, and My Land, which portrayed the connection between the Earth and humanity, world-famous Hungarian contemporary circus company Recirquel now present a new production. Solus Amor is an organic follow-up to the first two parts, and brings the trilogy to completion.

Directed by company founder and artistic director Bence Vági, and fusing contemporary circus with classical and modern dance, Solus Amor is a monumental aerial production that employs cirque danse, a new genre in the performing arts created with and by the company over the course of several years. The production, which evokes the singular primeval energy that spans all space and time, and connects us all, draws its power from the contemporary yearning for nature and wonders. According to Bence Vági's concept: "The space of the stage and the characters envelop the audience like natural essence, facilitating complete immersion for the viewers like ancient prayer”. 
