'Melancholy Rooms', the play of downtown Katona József Theatre, is digging deep into the theme of solitude. How many people are sitting alone in their rooms now? Why are they there, and for how long? How long can this be tolerated?

During the 90-minute-long playtime, you get to peek inside the homes of 8 very different people, such as the museum keeper, the experimental monkey, the prima donna, and the man who one day wakes up to find he has turned into a woman (the characters are inspired by archetypal figures of European culture and the shared trauma of the past). At first glance, they seem to have nothing in common, but soon you'll find out they do: isolation. The parallel stories come to life through monologues told in prose and songs, resulting in a brilliant musical and visual composition with a unique approach to exploring solitude.

The play is performed in Hungarian with English subtitles.
