This year’s second Főzdefeszt + Street Food Show will be held at a larger and more exclusive location – at the most beautiful section of Andrássy Avenue, between Nagymező and Bajcsy Street!  

This September, the organizers decided to take their original goal a step further and introduce quality craft beer and street food to more people than ever, so they joined the European Mobility Week and the
Car-Free Day,
 when a huge section of
Andrássy Avenue
will be closed to traffic on September 20 and 21.

Good beer and snacks are fundamental rights in any democracy!

There is no reason for us to complain, the festival will be full of new entrants – both in the food and beer scene. The first Abbey brewery of Hungary, Pannonhalma Brewery, will introduce itself, along with the Reketye Brewery that grew out of Jónás Craft Beerhouse, the long-lurking SümegBeer and the new Lados Brewery from Jászapát. We will be able to see some breweries and street food from Transylvania, too. Caledonia will bring Scottish beers, and Kentucky Ale arrives with American beers aged in whisky barrels.