On 23 February, a fine-dining get-together is being held at the Gléda Restaurant. Eight chefs join forces, each responsible for one course on the long menu. To top it all, each dish has been given a suitable wine to pair with it. You can reserve a table by sending a mail to info@gledavendeglo.eu.
Participating chefs:
- Attila Bicsár - Traktor Farmfood, Sauska48
- Sándor Kerekes - Gléda Restaurant, Őshonos Delikát
- János Mizsei - MÁK
- Szása Nyíri - Arany Kaviár
- Ádám Pataki - Pataki Confectionery
- Ákos Sárközi - Borkonyha & Textúra
- Attila Veszely – Chocolate Academy
- Frigyes Vomberg