For those who might not know, there are three types
of wall climbing: difficulty, speed and boulder. This latter challenge is also
difficult to scale, only at lower heights and without a safety rope, which is
replaced by a special layer of sponge under the walls.
In short, outdoors in nature you can climb to a good height up a rock wall (ie difficulty), or lower walls and large boulders here and there (ie boulder). By now, these disciplines have dovetailed and many climbers and boulderers like each other’s sport. The Gravity Boulder Bar only has boulders, but plenty of them.
The climbing area of the Gravity Boulder Bar runs over two floors, totalling more than 1,300 square metres, also including the Ninja Course, sauna, changing rooms and café. Originally only occupying the upper level on the fourth floor of Mammut I, the GBB was able to take over a former squash court, long empty next to the cinema, on the third.
This has allowed the team to introduce new climbing surfaces – including a section for professionals as well as one built for very beginners – and a Ninja course for younger visitors.
But that’s not the only novelty – a gym has been set up in the gallery above the bar on the lower level, and the changing rooms on the upper level can now accommodate 240 people. Also on the upper level, the sauna (HUF 600) can be used by 16 people at any one time, without needing to use the climbing wall, gym or Ninja course.
The climbing area isn’t expensive either – 2,500 forints unlimited climbing time off-peak (before 3pm and Saturdays), 3,100 forints at peak times, or 3,500/4,300 forints with sauna and Ninja course included.
There are also special deals for beginners, students and teachers, and fixed-time passes. Shoes and chalk bags can be hired. Check all prices here.
Venue information
Gravity Boulder Bar
1024 Budapest, Lövőház utca 2-6 (top level of
Mammut I)
Open: Mon-Thur 6am-11pm, Fri
8am-11pm, Sat-Sun 9am-9pm