The town of Biatorbágy outside Budapest is best known for its impressive viaduct, but it’s also ideal for cyclists and hikers if they’re in for a rocky challenge. Born from the union of two communities, Bia and Torbágy, Biatorbágy overlooks the curves of the Buda hills from its rocky heights. Among them is the graceful peak of Nyakas-kő, which offers an amazing panorama.

Biatorbágy lies some 20km from Budapest, beyond which the rocky heights of Nyakas-kő can be reached by car, bus or bike. Leave the bike in Biatorbágy, however, because there's no trail all the way to Nyakas-kő.

Nyakas-kő and its surroundings can be explored on foot. If you take the bus, alight near the viaduct, where the circular hiking trails start and end, both the shorter (13km) and longer (25km) versions. But just start to walk and you won’t get lost as somehow every road leads to Biatorbágy.

If driving, go through Biatorbágy towards Sóskút. Upon leaving Biatorbágy, the rocky peak will appear and at the bottom of the hill, you will see the car park, where the hiking trail starts. Only 500 metres long, the path takes right under Nyakas-kő. 

It’s more steep than difficult. If you want to get up to the gigantic Nyakas-kő, you first have to climb up to a cliff. It’s vital to choose the right footwear, because the ground is quite slippery at some parts. Hiking boots are recommended especially if the weather is rainy.

Breathtaking panorama

Nyakas-kő offers a breathtaking panorama that will keep you rooted at the peak for a fair while.

And at the top the hike, you can also see where to go next, perhaps to Öreghegy, through the thick pine forest that lines the trail up to Nyakas-kő.

Sometimes the path is narrow and the surrounding plants are so dense that you have to bend down quite low to be able to move. It’s worth wearing a long-sleeved top and trousers to avoid being covered in scratches. Of course, there’s also a wider, easier road, but it’s not that adventurous and lined with buildings.

If you choose the less daring official route downhill, it’s worth checking out Madárszirt, 'Bird Cliff', along the way. You have to climb a little up there but the view is just as beautiful as it’s from the top of Nyakas-kő. From here you can continue the hike following the ridge, or climb lower and follow the narrow path on the hillside. 

This narrow path is more exciting, but also a bit more dangerous, as one bad step and you can easily fall. Luckily, it's not too deep but you can easily injure yourself, so be careful.

The great advantage of the hiking places around Biatorbágy is that there are always one or two options you can switch between, and if you don’t follow the signs, you won’t get lost either. 

This area is ideal for those who are a little more adventurous. If rocks and hills don't do it for you, you can take a walk to nearby Lake Peca, or cycle there through the famous viaduct, a real pleasure in spring.
