With music venues closing down across town, many will welcome the news that the Gödör Klub should soon reopen at a new spot. Out of operation since 2019, the Gödör was originally uprooted from Erzsébet tér, site of today’s Akvárium, to set up on Király utca. Now it will move further up the same street to the site of the former Sirály, where more is being planned than just live music.

With so many hotels and office buildings replacing disappearing nightspots, the legendary Gödör Klub has been looking for new location since 2019. Its eventual choice of site is a suitable one – the former Sirály, an erstwhile alternative bar a few blocks up Király utca.

The new locale is expected to be completed by June. Long-awaited club life could restart in September, shutdown easing willing. A terrace may open sooner – the plan is, in addition to concerts, for exhibitions, performances, talks and market stalls to be hosted in the 600-square-metre space.

As quoted in koncert.hu, Gödör owner and architect Ákos Filep saw fantasy in the dilapidated building, so there was no question about the future of the club.

The new location will have a cellar club with toilets and a bar counter, as well as a backstage. At street level, there will be a hot kitchen, a café-like community space and a gallery. This will be an extension of the ground-floor seating area, with all kinds of events waiting to be scheduled. Watch this space!
