The arrival of spring means that people are returning to nature. Hiking boots and poles, backpacks and baskets are brought out of hibernation as hikers head out into the great outdoors. There was never a shortage of destinations in and around Budapest – and, as these vintage images selected from the Fortepan archive show, this healthy activity hasn’t changed much over the generations.
It’s always refreshing to
get of the city into nature. With movement and entertainment currently limited,
even more so.
The Buda hills and the
Danube Bend have always attracted hikers, and the same is true today. While hiking
was an important – perhaps the most important – form of recreation a century
ago, other entertainment then became more popular. It took an epidemic and closures across
the city to re-ignite our love of exploring nature.
See how Hungarians headed
for the great outdoors back in the day – and what they wore on the way.
Photo: Fortepan / Mészöly Leonóra
Photo: Privát Fotó És Film Archívum-Höfler Tibor Gyűjtemény