Hungarian Folk Singing Classes are being offered from today, 4 November, to 9 December, in association with the Hungarian Folk Singing Circle. A weekend workshop is also being run on 16 November from 10am-4pm, and those interested are invited to attend either or both.

The course runs over six weeks, and is open to people of all musical and language backgrounds. A variety of songs will be taught, directly from village source recordings. Participants will receive a pronunciation guide, printed song lyrics, English translations, recordings and background information on each tune.

Zina Bozzay leads the singing classes, a native English speaker, an active performer and teacher of Hungarian folk songs. She founded the Hungarian Folk Singing Circle while living in San Francisco, and has taught both Hungarian speakers and non-speakers in the US for over a decade.

The classes will take place Monday evenings from 6-8pm at the Háló Cultural and Community Centre (S4). The Saturday workshop on 16 November will be held at the Óbuda Folk Music School at Mókus utca 20.

A full session is 10,000 forints, and drop-in classes are 2,000. To register, call 06 70 603 7011 or email Discounts are also available for students and seniors, and for those who bring a friend.
For more details on how to register, visit the event’s Facebook page. For the 16 November course, see here. For general information, see the links for Zina Bozzay, the Hungarian Folk Singing Circle and Háló (S4).