Hollywood star Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tim Miller, director of the upcoming blockbuster ‘Terminator 6’, are both keen to return to Budapest after their film shoot here last summer. In a short promo clip just released, Schwarzenegger and Miller are fulsome in their praise of the city – and express gratitude to Hungarian film producer Andy Vajna, who passed away this month.

Choosing Budapest as the location to shoot Terminator 6 was ‘the wisest decision we ever made’, according to its star, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thanking the late Andy Vajna, the Hungarian-American film producer, for persuading him and those behind the Terminator franchise to film here last summer, Schwarzenegger also acknowledged the high level of technical expertise he found here.


‘This is one of the nicest cities in the world,’ says Schwarzenegger, in a clip created by the Hungarian Film Fund. ‘I came here to film in the late ‘80s and it was a fantastic place to shoot then. But now more studios are available and more technology is available.’

Also in the clip, director Tim Miller of Deadpool fame is quick to praise his Hungarian hosts: ‘I wouldn't mind coming back here to shoot. I love it. The crews are extremely professional, Origo is a fully facilitated and modern studio’.

‘It’s been a lot of fun having the Terminator come to Hungary,’ says Vajna, who set up the Hungarian Film Fund in 2011 and produced previous films in the long-running Terminator franchise. ‘It’s a great asset for us.’

Terminator 6 is due for release in November.