Snickers fried in waffle dough? Dutch poffertjes with Nutella? These endorphin-boosting creations are now available at Waffle Dog, a pocket-sized sweet shop on Klauzál tér in District VII. From soft marshmallow to honey-sweet maple syrup and rainbow-colored candies, here you can expect a whole mess of sugary ingredients to soothe your sweet tooth.

Waffle Dog founder Tamás Müller had been cherishing a sweet dream ever since he returned to Budapest from a trip to the Benelux. It was there, where this adventurous foodie encountered the phenomenon of the corn dog – a sausage on a stick coated in a thick layer of cornmeal batter and deep-fried – and he decided to reinvent the savory treat. Following five months of experimenting with a suitable waffle recipe, Müller finally came up with the sweet version of the sausage-filled dish.

Müller builds his business on a simple concept: you pick your favorite chocolate bar like Bounty or Snickers, which is then mounted on a stick and placed in a special mold similar to a waffle maker. A special mix of batter that Müller freshly prepares is also poured in the mold before this unconventional treat is fried. The final product comes to you soaked in vanilla or caramel sauce and generously sprinkled with grated coconut or peanuts.

Guests are treated to all sorts of sweet combinations, but the quirkiest creation at Waffle Dog is a treat called Unicorn (890 HUF), which includes francia drazsé (Hungarian chocolate pellets encased in a candy shell), vanilla sauce, marshmallow and a dab of heart-shaped confectionery.

However, Waffle Dog is not all about candy-coated sticks. Müller is proud about the fact that his petite pastry shop is the only place in Budapest where the menu permanently features Holland’s mouthwatering mini pancakes, poffertjes. With a texture similar to an American doughnut, these cool crêpes are served in boxes of ten, 15 or 20 pieces, and with plenty of tasteful toppings (690-890 HUF). Try it with banana or Nutella or just à la nature, showered with cinnamon and icing sugar.

And for those who were wondering why Waffle Dog’s logo features the words “salty and sweet”, Müller has a firm response. He envisions cooking up a selection of savory fare in the not-too-distant future, using similarly unorthodox blend of ingredients and preparation methods. His plans also include gluten-free food and a line of sugar-free treats infused with fresh fruit. Meanwhile, if you are prowling one of Budapest’s main gastronomy festivals or food truck shows, you might very well bump into distinct delicacies by Waffle Dog.