Caps off to Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live stalwart and star of upcoming movie “The Spy Who Dumped Me”, filmed in Budapest and due for US release tomorrow. While being driven to the set every morning, the award-winning actress and comedian learned the words to “Yozsefváros” by Animal Cannibals. By way of showing her appreciation to her Hungarian hosts and helpers, McKinnon pulled off a near flawless rendition of the 1990s’ rap hit when appearing on The Tonight Show on NBC, hosted by fellow Saturday Night veteran Jimmy Fallon. All together now, “Yo-yo-Yozsefváros… yo-yo-Yozsefváros, sötét ez a hely, há-há-há, világos…”.

Claiming that Hungarian was the second hardest language in the world for native speakers of English to learn, and admitting that she had “studied it every day in Budapest but couldn’t even order anything at a restaurant”, Kate McKinnon shocked top chat show host Jimmy Fallon with a version of Yozsefváros that would have had District VIII rap boys Animal Cannibals nodding in approval.

Having learned the tune from her driver Erik, McKinnon explained to the TV audience that the song was about a rough neighbourhood of Budapest before launching into the entire first verse and catchy chorus in near perfect Hungarian:

“Yo, yo, hogy itt vagyunk Most végre valamit bemutathatunk Ez a Yozsefváros, a mi tanyánk Itt nevelt fel minket a yoanyánk Ahol velünk együtt már sok hülye felnőtt Hiába, ez a hely a szívünkhöz nőtt Itt nem ültet anyád pálmafát S a gyerekek már csak rombolják az iskolát Mert a sok suttyótól már lépni sem lehet
A fontos, milyen a hajad és a pulóvered Vagy barát leszel, vagy ellenség Itt már nem számít az emberség Ócska, szakadt ruhában Egy kuruzsló derékig a kukában
A kérdésem csak ennyi, yo, elég Ez mind-mind egy yozsefvárosi utcakép
Yo-Yo-Yozsefváros Yo-Yo-Yozsefváros Yo-Yo-Yozsefváros Sötét ez a hely, há-há-há, világos Yo-Yo-Yozsefváros Yo-Yo-Yozsefváros Yo-Yo-Yo…”

Known for her pristine impersonations, most famously of Hillary Clinton, McKinnon then had the audience heartily yo-yoing in unison before returning to the more serious business of promoting her new film, The Spy Who Dumped Me.