A new initiative fills a niche for those who are looking to pursue a healthy lifestyle in Budapest. The Free Sport Parks map pinpoints the city’s open-air facilities for football, basketball, running and many other types of exercise. And there is a fair number of such places. This newly developed application lists some 700 locations with photos, directions and detailed descriptions of each venue. Hiking and mountain-biking aficionado Paszkál Fehér is the brains behind the project, who created this easy-to-access digital feature in his spare time.

Available on Google Maps, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, the new computerised compass gathers Budapest’s manifold sport parks on the same platform. This is the first time that such an expansive map showing the city’s open-air training facilities has been made available.

Updated regularly, this English-friendly tool covers all of Budapest’s districts and major communities in Hungary to list categories such as table tennis, running, skateparks and badminton. By adding your current location on the map, you can find out how to get to a particular sport park. For more information about each location, just click on the featured photo that represents the selected park and a video starts playing, showing more details of the available facilities.