Summer already gave us scorching heat, rainstorms, double rainbows, planes flying in front of the Parliament, and Liberty Bridge taken over by the people of Budapest. The capital is full of life: terrace hangouts open one after the other, while ice creams and lemonades become crazier and tastier with every day. Dogs splash around in the Danube, while hippos and elephants cool off at the Budapest Zoo with refreshing showers, and the city’s thermal baths and pool complexes are packed on hotter days. Let’s take a look at summer’s first month, as portrayed by the pictures you shared on Instagram!

Photo: Notellytoday

Photo: Petergabura

Photo: Szilardm

Photo: Lencsee

Photo: Zsoltszathmary

Photo: Raulduranphoto

Photo: Kardosildi

Photo: Hila_lala

Photo: Mamaswalkingbudapest

Photo: Raulduranphoto

Photo: Zsoltszathmary

Photo: Elgerentepls

Photo: Synthetic_cdo

Photo: Btiernoemi

Photo: Sergio.scordamaglia

Photo: Eternallovebudapest

Photo: Grofjardanhazy

Photo: Hajnira

Photo: Pakupatt

Photo: Varjassy_gergely_photos

Photo: Cintiajuhasz

Photo: Btiernoemi

Photo: Paulette_griswold