Launched in June 2015, Brain Bar Budapest examines the boundaries between man and machine through innovative visions of world-renowned masterminds. Renowned speakers come to the Hungarian capital to give thought-provoking presentations about future-focused matters at this two-day event, covering topics like business, geopolitics, money, the Earth and artificial intelligence.
The next Brain Bar Budapest is taking place on June 1-2nd at the Corvinus University of Budapest and welcomes speakers such as Production Designer of the Dark Night Trilogy Nathan Crowley, influential politician Margrethe Vestager, bestselling author of “Reading Lolita in Tehran” Dr. Azar Nafisi and founder of social network, Jeffrey Tucker. However, the highlight of Brain Bar 2018 is certainly Sophia, a humanoid robot and the world’s first android citizen. Designed to respond to questions, this human-like artificial intelligence was developed by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics and she has already been interviewed around the world.
During the event, discussed topics cover questions like “How to fight against tech monopolies?”, “Is creativity overrated in business?”, “How to solve the migration crisis?”, “Can we fight for freedom with fiction books?” and “Should we be afraid of humanoid robots?” Early bird passes to the event are available fromBrain Bar Budapest, a two-day ticket costing 28,000 forints. For more information about the schedule and ticket information, check out Brain Bar Budapest’s website.