Gusty conditions added to the danger during Sunday’s final race, when two-time world champion American pilot Kirby Chambliss edged out his younger Canadian competitor Pete McLeod by a tenth of a second to win the golden trophy shaped like the Chain Bridge – the starting point of the riparian raceway. Watch the short video below for highlights from the final race:
On Saturday, skies were sunny for the qualifying contest, in which McLeod triumphed in honor of Canada Day on July 1st – see the rundown of Saturday’s race below:
And to see just what these pilots must endure in the course of competing in Budapest’s Red Bull Air Race, watch this short video of three-time world champion pilot Paul Bonhomme casually explaining what it takes to win while passing through the middle of Budapest at breakneck speeds:
Congratulations to Chambliss, and thanks to all of the pilots and other race participants who successfully brought this soaring spectacle to the skies over Budapest once again!