Despite potentially hazardous winds and storm clouds that hovered over Budapest during this past weekend, the city’s Red Bull Air Race drew over 100,000 spectators to the Danube banks to watch the world’s best pilots perform amazing aerobatic feats directly over the city center. Texan pilot Kirby Chambliss won first prize by a tenth of a second on the obstacle course of floating checkpoints, which competitors begin by soaring under the Chain Bridge before slaloming past other major landmarks like the Parliament and the Castle District – watch it in the official Red Bull Air Race videos below.

Gusty conditions added to the danger during Sunday’s final race, when two-time world champion American pilot Kirby Chambliss edged out his younger Canadian competitor Pete McLeod by a tenth of a second to win the golden trophy shaped like the Chain Bridge – the starting point of the riparian raceway. Watch the short video below for highlights from the final race:

On Saturday, skies were sunny for the qualifying contest, in which McLeod triumphed in honor of Canada Day on July 1st – see the rundown of Saturday’s race below:

And to see just what these pilots must endure in the course of competing in Budapest’s Red Bull Air Race, watch this short video of three-time world champion pilot Paul Bonhomme casually explaining what it takes to win while passing through the middle of Budapest at breakneck speeds:

Congratulations to Chambliss, and thanks to all of the pilots and other race participants who successfully brought this soaring spectacle to the skies over Budapest once again!