Budapest’s most fascinating rocky formation, Ördög-orom, can be easily reached by taking bus 8E from downtown Pest’s Ferenciek Square, crossing the river to Buda, and disembarking at the Eper utca stop; from there, within a minute of walking toward the wooded open space, we already see the sign directing us to the nature reserve.

From there you can decide whether you wish to keep walking on this road and approach the top from the moderately steep side, or go for the slightly more daring rocky path. As the latter is the 6th (and last) stop of the recently opened educational path, logic suggests staying on the road and following the stops in order, but we still decided to begin with the rough stuff.

During the first few meters of our hike, the bumpy road requires some concentration, so it proved to be a good idea to start the walk from this end, as going downhill on such steep and rocky ground seems slightly more difficult. The good news is that you only have to spend a few minutes climbing, as a pleasant forested pathway soon appears on the horizon, flat enough that pushing a baby stroller here could put a child to sleep.

Keep in mind that this forest is home to various protected flora and fauna, so it is highly recommended to watch your steps. Everything you find here is a true treasure, just as the signs of the educational pathway state, which also draw attention to Ördög-orom’s history, geology, animal kingdom, and the dangers affecting this area. One of these is our human presence, but during our visit, we could luckily save a little bird from some rapidly rushing cars.

This is important to mention, as Ördög-orom is a popular excursion spot, and we found traces of humans at even the highest spots, in the shape of wine bottles, and the remains of a bonfire. Fortunately, it seems like most everyone respects nature enough not to litter here.

Beyond its fascinating flora and fauna, the area holds countless other attractive features, such as the nearby castle-like villas that can only be seen from up above, and an underground passage built during World War II, underneath the one-time quarry. This is obviously not used anymore, as the entrances to the tunnels are carefully locked down, and are officially not open for visitors.

The whole tour takes about half an hour of comfortable strolling, but we’d like to encourage everyone to bring a book, turn off your phones, and just enjoy the silence, clean air, and wonderful view. We can assure you, it is worth it!