This summer, a special camp called “Így dolgozunk mi” (“That’s how we work”) brought together 16 enthusiastic Hungarian high-school students, who joined forces to emphasize positive human characteristics in everyday life. To achieve this goal, the team set about finding a way to inspire happy feelings in random strangers and brighten everyone’s day. Calling themselves the Joy Hunters, the youths came up with a truly creative idea for inspiring smiles on peoples’ faces.
At central Pest’s Vörösmarty Square, passing strollers volunteered to keep their eyes shut for a whole minute, without having any clue as to what was about to happen. However, soon after they closed their eyes, the surrounding students started smothering them with compliments. It is worthwhile to watch the video to see how the expressions of the volunteers changed upon hearing the kind words. The aim of this movement is to send a message suggesting that nobody should be too shy to compliment others regularly, highlighting their good values. These youngsters found many good qualities to remark upon, even in total strangers. Many foreign visitors to Budapest also volunteered for this project, and they all consider Budapest a truly fantastic town – especially after this random act of kindness.