The beneficial effects of cycling are well known: it is an environmentally friendly, healthy and cost effective form of transport, and so we can be proud to have placed on the podium in these new cycling statistics. The research undertaken in October 2014 studied the transport habits of the 28 member states of the European Union. The published data reveals that even though cars are still the most preferred mode of transport, there are positive tendencies toward riding. In response to the question "On a typical day, which mode of transport do you use most often?” 22% of Hungarians responded with bicycle. Only the Netherlands (36%) and Denmark (23%) topped Hungary on this point. The survey highlighted that, in addition to the Netherlands, Hungary was the only other country with a rather small difference between the proportions using a bicycle and a car (22% vs 33%). This is good news, considering that we drive the least often, as well.
Budapest’s public bicycle program, MOL Bubi, launched back in September and quickly became very popular – this might have helped contribute to the high number of cyclists in the survey. According to the data of Budapest's transport centre, the BKK, we use the bright green share bikes more than 4000 times a day, and as a result, the system will be expanded with 300 new bicycles and stations in the spring. At this rate, we might end up on top of next year’s report, but in the meantime, hop onto a bike and push those pedals!