Instagram provides a wonderfully creative outlet for those of us who enjoy taking photos. It's also a great tool to explore a city because we can browse beautiful shots and everyday moments that are grouped under hashtags. It is difficult to say what makes a good Instagram page, but regularly uploading beautiful and insightful photographs is key. It also helps if the account has a theme, a distinct photographic style and even uses nice filters. There are many Budapest-focused Instagram pages, but these are some of our favourites, that we recommend you follow too!


This is a beautiful “hipster” style Instagram page dedicated to Budapest and coffee!

Many of the photos are coffee-table style, showing off the latest and brightest new coffee spots. The page also features crisp shots of buildings and plants. It's bright white colour-scheme will brighten up your day.

Budapest-focused urban photos are submitted to this Instagram page using the #urbanizers hashtag. Some really magical photos are featured, focusing on Budapest’s beautiful buildings, the Danube waterfront and the city’s multi-dimensional transport infrastructure. For lovers of Budapest's urban landscape!

We love the excellent photography on The_amazing_Budapest Instagram, which often includes new perspectives of Budapest such as the city lights viewed through raindrops on a window. Another great feature is the various sunset and sky shots, because we love Budapest #cloudporn.

@The_amazing_budapest Budapest101

This account covers a fresh take on Budapest, covering a multitude of topics – from koi fish, to breakfast, to prints, and to bicycles. Very colourful indeed, this page will add a splash of happiness to the list of accounts you follow.

As they say, this account is dedicated to “street art in Budapest.” They post an up-to-date and quirky journal of the street art and graffiti in Budapest. The account focuses on smaller pieces of street art around the city, rather than some of Budapest’s larger better-known murals. There are some very cute images indeed and the photographer must have a good eye to spot these gems.

Zsolt Hlinka is one of Budapest's well-known photographers. Don’t miss these professional photos from around Budapest and beyond. It looks as if this photographer especially enjoys the city’s landmarks and bridges at sunrise and sunset, which adds beautiful tones to his photos. See Budapest's iconic landmarks like you've never seen them before!

With the tag “secret history of budafornia dreaming,” the photography is beyond cool. This account makes good use of picture re-sizing to create a non-square format. The photos are soft in tone, often using antique or black and white filters, with interesting and relaxed takes on Budapest’s main buildings and viewpoints. Although the photos are more subdued, we love this take on the city.

This Instagram page is a collection of photos from users who use the #thisisbudapest hashtag, focusing on Budapest and its buildings. The latest string of photos has been in black and white, offering some interesting contrasts and light play, in particular those that capture Budapest’s grand and creative statues.

With a caption reading “I show you one of the best city in the world!!!” (sic) we certainly like this Instagrammer’s enthusiasm. This account features photography of Budapest, with an interesting focus on statues – a wonderful component of this historic city.

Hopefully you’ve already seen this page! How could we forget our own Instagram account? We couldn’t, because we love it and we love Budapest! We update our Instagram every day with snaps of little encounters, delicious food, major sites and events, plus sometimes little insights into what's happening at our office.
@WeLoveBudapestOthersNanushka – The personal account of the Hungarian designer of the fashion brand Nanushka. Some beautiful photos are featured, focusing on Sandra Sandor's eclectic style.
Drip_and_dirt - They deliver “the most stylish graffitis from Hungary.” Liveinbudapest – “W E L C O M E B U D A P E S T!” Some nice (but not that nice) photos from behind the scenes of a Budapest resident.
Budapeststreets – Instagram page focusing on the facades of Budapest as seen from street-view.

Nagykorutblog – The name suggests it's a blog for the Grand Boulevard where trams 4 and 6 run, but this Instagram doesn't strictly follow this theme because it posts photos from all around Budapest as well. It's quite entertaining, including a short video of the famous drummer in the Astoria metro.
Gastrodeco – Ideas from a Hungarian housewife, many food shots to make your mouth water.
Ikozosseg – A Hungarian Instagram community.

Artmarketbudapest – An Instagram page focusing on the Art Market Budapest contemporary art fair event scheduled for 8-11 October 2015.

Kozmanorbi – Hairstylist in Budapest with a great moustache!
Kevin_Murphy_Hungary - For those of you who enjoy fashion in Budapest, this Instagram page is for you!

It includes several behind the scenes snaps from various fashion events and fashion shoots around Budapest.
Budapest_Bigcity - Photos of the sites that are not of a theme (other than being in Budapest) or particularly creative, but still a good basic account to follow.