Just past 30 and wears a suitIf you belong to this group it’s not easy to find a partner. University days are over, weekdays became hectic and the stakes are high; it does matter where you go, what color your shirt is and at this point social status starts to be important. Fortunately there are certain places where personality is still awarded.
One of them is Boutiq Bar, where party can be found during the weekdays as well, Minyon Bar, where it’s worth spending the night after the age of 30, Divino with it’s perfect atmosphere for good conversations and Trafiq where drinkingwine in silence and dancing are both possible.
Wherever we go it’s never good to be pushy, and it’s not cool if we tell girls how shiny their hair is. Thy are not teenagers anymore for God’s sake. However, being gallant and nice always comes with advantages, but deliberately playing with the car keys is kind of pathetic, mainly because nobody drives and drinks. And of course it’s not bad if we know the drinks we order and we have a plan for the near and far future as well.
Before dropping by in one of these places it’s wise to stop by an ATM for a minute.
University student with thicker glassesArt students staring into space in a ruin pub? We all have seen it before. These fairy-tale-like places get filled with excitement and inspiration when we sit down on one of the couches, and of course, we want to have somebody sitting next to us.
Szimpla Kert is perfect for scoring goals, from here only those go home alone who wish to do so, or those who didn’t dare to say a proper no. Instant and Fogasház also host very open minded clientele who don’t hesitate to get to know new people when the opportunity pops up. For this vivid selection in the ruin pubs, we should all say thank you to all those foreigners who decide to not go somewhere else every night. These one-night-stands are perfect, because we can get lots of love and caring in one night instead of getting little love every day for years.
But all those gorgeous and exotic girls don’t matter when a real Hungarian beauty shows up. In Budapest it’s not impossible to fall in love whit everyone for 5 minutes or 5 years.
In Budapest the iconic places for university parties where instincts mix with culture are Könyvtár Klub, Doboz, Morrison’s and sometimes LivingRoom. In certain cases organized university events can be added to the list like Corvinus Cooltúra, or ELTE faculty days.
The selection is so authentic at these places that most of the girls ponder the hidden messages of russian realists before the first drink, and fortunately we don’t have to own a student ID if want buy them a beer. However, maybe it’s an advantage if we know what’s going on in the world of higher education and if our future adventure seems to be a linguist it’s good if we know a little bit about basic syntax. In case of a successful attempt next stop can be Dürer Kert, where fancy things and manners don’t really matter.
Geeky, table soccer, cheap beerIn these bars, iPhones and thick hipster glasses go hand in hand with the trendiest people in town who keep ordering red wine and Martini till the sun comes up. It’s okay to be cool and laid back but you should only talk about what you really know by experience: hipster girls know when something is from Wikipedia and such a bad source of information is really bad for business. Important though not to get carried away and start taking photos with Instagram - especially not of our own reflection in the toilette mirror - and it’s also not awesome to keep touching your hair all the time. It’s good to have, at least, a little bit of character.
Many people think that hitting on girls playing table soccer is something like bragging to be a Polish bust driver in London, but these is not the case at all; pub sports can be a perfect starting point for relationships. Here, money doesn’t matter, maybe it’s even a bit cool to have spent the whole student loan on beer and shots already and after all, the next round is always on the one who's lost so it’s worth practicing a lot. Those girls who happen to be here probably wouldn’t mind a little bit of dirt under their nails, so most likely you won’t need any geeky compliments in connection with thermodynamics and their looks in order to blow them away. However, politeness can be a good idea, since around here it’s hard to find. In this category interesting places are: Noiret, Íjász, Ördögsarok but most of the cheap pubs in Budapest has at least one of the games. The task is a lot easier when there’s a dorm-organized table soccer championship at Martos Kollégium for example.Hipsters with MacBooks
Facebook is not the best place in Budapest to find girls. There are some bars - in hipster they are called “social spaces” - where real people go. Telep, for example, is something like this where downtown meets the underground, Kolor that is has good food with vodka-coke and a DJ, Corvintető with Rewind parties where it’s impossible to talk but who cares and Közért Bár offering the perfect spot for warming up or the best night out where it’s okay to talk about old Polaroids and iPad typewriters.
On the way home, not feeling well
You know, everything is a beer opener, and following this path, every place is good to meet a girl of your dreams. Night buses are best among the best spots to get to know someone, since on board we move and exist as one big entity, crossing the unfathomable distances of Budapest. Those who travel by taxi cannot know this secret - taxi drivers are mainly middle aged, married men.
Night bus 908, 956 and 973, are really good for romantic purposes and not (only) because everyone is drunk, but also because their routes are long so we get to spend a lot of time together. Plus, nobody has anything better to do so starting a conversation may be a very good idea. Unfortunately we never know where our neighbor will get off so we have to set all gears in motion right away if we want achievements. Fortunately others can’t know where we get along either, so we get the chance to do trick if we want to get off with somebody or run away from another.