There are many ways and tools to reshape the human body and these processes are quite painful every time. Piercings and scarifications are getting more and more popular in Budapest too but they are only the tip of the iceberg. Once you started to think about new ways of looking different, you can’t cut it out. Only Gabor Zagyvai can, who is a well-known figure of the body modification scene. We have asked him about his job. 

WLB: If someone asked you about your profession, what would you tell them? What’s your job?

This is a really good question. I would tell them that I work in the body modification business. This covers most of what I do: minimal tattoos, piercings, scarification and other ways to modify bodies.
WLB: Why did you choose this profession?

I had a really good friend who wanted to get a scar and thought that I was the right person for the job. After a short researching and planning period I did his first scarification that was also my first cut. It was a very special and unforgettable moment in my life that defined the way I am right now.

WLB: What kind of body modifications can be done on somebody?
There are many ways a human body can be modified. If we start with the simplest things like piercings, we can continue with tattoos and scarifications, and if we are searching for deeper things we can get implants under our skins, or we can split our tongues. Also, our ears can be reshaped in countless ways and I haven’t even said anything about modifying genitals
WLB: How painful are these processes?

These body modification processes are quite painful, that’s why my favorite business slogan is “Yes, it hurts!”. Anyone who wants to go through body modification has to experience a certain amount of pain, but when it’s over they appreciate their new bodies even more. If you know what you want, nothing can stop you. If you’re willing to let yourself be hurt for your desire, what could keep you from getting what you want?
WLB: How safe are these processes? Do you need medical training to do body modifications?

Body modification is very risky. The scalpel in an artist’s hand can do wonderful things to the skin, another person, however, can make serious, even deadly, mistakes. People in this business learned from doctors and colleagues living in other countries. There are no schools or courses where you could learn about body modification. This is an interesting paradox all around the world. Those who want to do this has to get information and learn from the best sources possible and consider a lot of things like sterility rules, and healing processes. Nowadays, fortunately there are events like BMXnet Conference where I am going for the second time in order to teach and learn. It’s for body modification artists who want to share experiences, have seminars and workshops, so they can improve their skills and make these things safer and better.

WLB: What was the most bizarre thing somebody asked you to do? Do you have a favorite story that you would share with us?

One of my favorite stories is when a guy walked into the studio and asked me to implant a port, like the one that Neo had in the Matrix, into the back of his neck. According to his plan he could have had data on it. Of course, I’m unable to do these kind of things. There were also some other bizarre ideas, like toe amputation, but I am not willing to do things like that.

You should admit, it’s not an average job. How should we imagine one of your weekdays?
I wake up in the morning, but I’m very careful not to wake up too early. Then I eat something awesome. After that I jump on my bike, go to work and start taking care of the things on my list: I draw, plan, wait for my guests. Every day is different, I face new challenges all the time and I really like it. I can always be busy with something new, something that I have to achieve. It inspires me a lot. I don’t really have empty hours; I’m always working on a new idea.
Is body modification tolerated in Budapest?

I think body modification is very interesting for many people. I get positive feedbacks from people, on, who I would have never expected it from. Unfortunately, most of them don’t dare to have their bodies changed to what they really want. A body modification, done with true heart and confidence, not caring about others, can have a liberating effect on other people too. There’s nothing wrong with living the life you want. The world would be a lot happier if people could change their looks the way they wish.
Why is body modification a lot less accepted than plastic surgeries?

Maybe, because body modification has more radical and more obvious results. For example, an implant in the forehead is a lot more visible than silicone breasts. Plastic surgeries aim to create a look that is desired by our society while body modification is about being different. If somebody wants some body modification, where can they find you? The easiest way to contact me is through my official website, but they also can read my body modification blog, or check out my tumblr where they can find many interesting pictures. But before you jump into anything, think it over wisely, because you will have to live with your decision for the rest of your lives.